Sunday, December 16, 2012

Top 5 Reasons Not to Get The Flu Shot

5.  It may not contain an accurate strain of flu
Every year, after the flu hype is over, the CDC announces, "oops, we got it wrong".   This is because they guess on the 3 dominant strains. That is why it is reformulated every year.

We continue to see these  headlines.  This was from last year.. › News › HealthShare
Oct 28, 2011 – A new analysis out this week says the seasonal flu shot may not be working 

All the risk without the benefit, (isn't that the argument the medical establishment always make about vaccines?)

4.  People who get the flu shot get the flu (or symptoms like it)

I serve hundreds of patients and every year more and more of them come in and tell me that so and so got the flu shot and a few days later they got the flu!  The fact is that while your immune system is dealing with this new onslaught of chemical toxicity and foreign laboratory made germs, it is weakened for a certain time after the shot.  Google it and you will see story after story of people who got the jab and their immune system was never the same.

3.   The ingredients are frightening...

Every year I have hundreds of conversations, especially with the moms in my practice, about the horrific ingredients.  I ask them if they read food labels and 9/10 say yes.  Then I ask what are somethings that are unacceptable to you.  They usually say, sugar levels too high, high fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, and  maybe dye, colors MSG.. the list goes on.  Then I give them the ingredients from the flu shot straight from the CDC website.  
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From CDC 

Type of Ingredient Examples Purpose Preservatives Thimerosal (only in multi-dose vials of flu vaccine)
To prevent contamination Adjuvants Aluminum salts to help stimulate the body’s response to the antigens Stabilizers Sugars, gelatin
To keep the vaccine potent during transportation and storage Residual cell culture materials Egg protein
To grow enough of the virus or bacteria to make the vaccine Residual inactivating ingredients Formaldehyde
To kill viruses or inactivate toxins during the manufacturing process Residual antibiotics Penicillin, sulfa drugs to prevent contamination by bacteria during the vaccine manufacturing process
This is a partial list and the toxicity of these ingredients has not been tested and are assumed safe.

2.  There are documented side effects in the package insert
read the label, know them BEFORE you vaccinate.
If the shot is safe then why all the side effects?

Dr. Hugh Fudenberg, a world renowned immunogeneticist announced that you have a ten-fold increased chance of Alzheimer's after receiving five flu shots. That's ten times more likely than no flu shots.
Dr. Fudenberg did his study covering the years 1970 through 1980. He and other researchers consider this increased risk of Alzheimer's has resulted from the combination of mercury (thimerosal) and aluminum that builds up over time in the brain.

1.  It breaks the principle of health and healing
You have been blessed with amazing healing power that is impossible to improve upon through chemical insult.
There are 5 essentials to health that are necessary for lifelong health.  Your body is self healing and is only susceptible to illness if you create a lifestyle not conducive to health.  The immune system cannot be manipulated into higher function by shots it has to be supported and strengthened through the 5 essentials.

How to attain true protection:

1.  Get your spine corrected with adjustments and protocols that keep the changes permanent.  The spine houses your central nervous system which governs all function and healing. (governs the immune system too).

2.  Reduce all sugars and high glycemic foods (this includes some fruits).  Look at the graph below and recognize this time of the year is when we consume more sugar and rich acidic foods and get less sun which lowers our vitamin D levels.

3.  Exercise a minimum of 3 days a week and break a sweat.
4.  Get vitamin D levels checked and worked towards getting it over 50 ng/ml.
5.  Stay away from antibiotics unless it is an emergency.  they change the balance of the bodies ecosystem and lead to recurring infection
6.  Eat a diet high in greens and healthy fats such as raw organic nuts, coconut products, avocado and certain seeds.


